ERYC Conservatives Standing Down

I have received copy of a hand written document stating 17 of the current 47 ERYC Conservative Councillors will not be seeking re-election in May 2019.

From information already received I can confirm that I was already aware that at least 75% of those stated had no intention of seeking re-election.

Please see the original document

I am pleased to confirm that none of my Conservative moles are listed.

Pocklington – Independents

It is no surprise that Councillor Mole from Pocklington Provincial is standing down.

It is notable that in only one Ward is a threat to the Conservatives from Independents – Pocklington Provincial.

Whistle Blowers Corner

I invite anyone who is aware of who wrote the document to share the information with me via Whistle Blowers Corner.

ERYC Conservative Councillor  may also share information with me via Whistle Blowers Corner.

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