SBC Dr Strangelove – A Surreal World

Having published SBC Councillor Threatens Murder I then published Dixon And Greene In The Dock and asked the question:

“Did the current administration rush to put Strangeway on the naughty table and sit on this outrage as the persons (FV) vote is required to try to salvage the vote of no confidence?”

SBC Councillor Paul Riley

As Thursday’s vote of no confidence was defeated by 25 votes to 20, on the surface, it would appear that the Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) Leader Cllr Steve Siddons, Mike Greene SBC Chief Executive, SBC Director of Legal & Democratic Services Lisa Dixon and the Cabinet had a good day at the office.

Alas, a day is a long time in politics.

Nothing To See Here

The salvaging of the vote of no confidence started the day before the vote, on Wednesday 27 January. Lisa Dixon sent out numerous responses rejecting complaints against SBC Cabinet Member, Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff.

I can confirm I have had sight of some of these responses and that Lisa failed to inform complainants how to send supporting information. A case of “nothing to see here” or “we don’t want to see it”?

This action of Lisa and many similar by SBC Officers and Councillors reflects the vast majority of Local Authorities across the Country. In essence, they protect each other’s backs. Some would call this a Protection Racket. The public is a mere inconvenience in the racket.

Have SBC learnt nothing from the Saville and Jaconelli cover-up?

Dr Strangelove – Nod And Wink

I would like to thank Cllr Paul Riley for his well-hidden nod and wink at Thursday’s meeting.

This resulted in certain leads that revealed an interesting trail. It is of note that Cllr Riley and Cllr Donohue-Moncrieff had the same Election Agent who does not reside in the SBC area.

It would also appear that Cllr Riley, by referencing Dr Strangelove, has learnt how to stop worrying and love the bomb. The bomb in this case is Cllr Donohue-Moncrieff. It is said that Paul’s interest in Michelle has been personal but not pecuniary.

“Stick A Knife In His Stomach”

I take my hat off to a SBC Cllr who, upon watching the nod and wink from Cllr Riley, forwarded me the full unedited recording relating to the transcript that I published in SBC Councillor Threatens Murder. I was horrified to hear it.

I am informed that SBC, North Yorkshire Police (NYP) and senior politicians in the area have also heard the recording but no action has been taken. Anyone for a Protection Racket?

In the public interest, either SBC, NYP or the Mental Health Services must take immediate action.

There is no way I can sit back on this. All I can do is publish a 26-second extract that all decent people will be shocked by. This is in reference to an ex SBC Whitby Conservative Councillor and Mayor


SBC Councillor Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff

NB: In due course, I will publish the full unedited recording.

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